Get Mugged

Nominate someone you know to GET MUGGED in support of KV Oasis, in partnership with Kennebecasis Regional Police and Oldies96.

It could be a friend, a co-worker, a business, a family member – ANYONE…even yourself! Every donation is a nomination!

If your nomination ballot is drawn, we’ll send our MUG THUGS to visit your nominee of choice with gorgeous new Oldies96 / KV Police drinkware. If you don’t get drawn, no worries! We make a new draw every friday during the noon hour so there are plenty of chances for you to GET MUGGED.

Each nomination is just $5 and all money raised goes directly to KV Oasis to support the many programs and initiatives they facilitate for youth in the Valley.

And everyone who makes a nomination will be entered into the Grand Prize Draw valued at $250 including gifts from Salvatoré, Wine Kitz, Subway and Simply for Life!

Donations and Nominations can be made HERE or…

  • Oldies96 – 2B Landing Court, Quispamsis
  • KV Oasis – 221 Hampton Road, Quispamsis

GET MUGGED! in support of KV Oasis, brought to you by the Kennebecasis Regional Police, Salvatoré, Wine Kitz, Simply for Life, Subway and Classic Hits Oldies96.

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